November 1-7, 2021

Events through the HSU Newman Center and St. Mary’s

Mon., Nov. 1: ALL SAINTS DAY!
8:30 am: Holy Mass at St. Mary’s (1690 Janes Rd., Arcata)
5:00 pm: Blessing of the St. Mary’s Cemetery

Tues., Nov. 2: All Souls Day
6:30 pm: Holy Mass at St. Mary’s

Wed., Nov. 3: College Mass Choir Practice at St. Mary’s

Thurs., Nov. 4: At the Newman Center (700 Union St., Arcata)
Please bring a photo or memento of a loved one
5:30 pm: Adoration, Vespers, Confession
6:45 pm: Home-Cooked Dinner
7:30 pm: Candlelight Prayer in the St. Mary’s Cemetery
8:30 pm: Return to Newman for Mexican Hot Chocolate

Sun., Nov. 7: 5:30 pm College Student Mass at St. Mary’s